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Why you might lose all your assets

January 25, 2022
Why you might lose all your assets - DGLegacy

You have more assets than you think.

When we speak about assets, the first thing that comes to mind is stocks and investments. 

The reality is that people these days possess many more assets, even if they don’t realize it. These include retirement plans, bank accounts, various insurances, such as real estate or life insurance, real estate properties, company shares, notes, stocks, stock options, RSUs and etc. 

Often many of these assets are also in multiple countries – situation familiar not only to expats, but also to global citizens and people who own assets in multiple countries, due to various other considerations, such as taxation, inheritance, asset management and protection. 


Online trading for everyone!

Online trading platforms democratized investment by providing access to it for everyone. 

These days many people who are not professional traders invest in stocks, have their own stock portfolios and actively trade, some as a hobby, and some quite seriously, with the intention to turn it into a source of passive income or at least to support their retirement planning

This is very different from 20 years ago, when trading was the privilege of professional traders and assets portfolio management companies. The primary reason for the shift is the new breed of online trading fintech companies. It is interesting that some companies which started in other fintech domains such as mobile banking for example, extended their services to include stock trading. 

This trend allows the non-professional trader to also profit from the stock markets, and is also an additional source of fresh capital for listed companies. 

But apart from the obvious risk related to stock trade, there is one additional important and unfortunately hidden risk. 


Does your mother know about your stocks and portfolio?

With credit to ABBA back in 1979, we ask the same question as in their song. Jokes aside, there is a lot of stuff behind this question, and this “stuff” is quite serious.  

In many cases, even the partners of people who invest are not entirely familiar with the investment portfolios and stocks they own. And usually family members other than their partner, such as children, siblings, and parents, are largely unaware of the existence of these investment portfolios. 


Wait! Then what will happen to my stocks if something happens to me? 

Exactly. Removing the lipstick from the pig, the blunt answer is very simple – and scary: your stocks and investment portfolios will stay in someone else’s pocket. Or, to be more precise, they’ll stay in the asset management companies which operate with them. 

You can’t help but ask: how is that possible? The answer is simple.

Asset management companies don’t have the legal obligation to notify your family members if something happens to you.  Yes, you heard correctly. And that holds true even if they have the contact details of your family members. 

And yes, you understood it correctly: that means that your company stocks and investment portfolios will just stay in these asset management companies. 


Wait, it can’t be so bad!

Ok, in some countries, there is a legal requirement for institutions holding your assets to classify them as unclaimed and to return them to the country. Often the deadlines for this are 10-15 years. And even after this period, your money is not returned to your family members.

It is transferred from the companies, which used it free of charge for 15 years, to the government, which will use it free of charge most probably indefinitely – unless someone from your family starts the official procedure to track your unclaimed assets after 15 years, when they are returned to the government. So yes, there is an “alternative.” Your family members can wait 15 years and eventually find your assets in government funds managing unclaimed assets

What a great alternative. I’m sure you feel much better now … me too! 


Is this problem related only to company stocks?

Definitely not. This holds true for almost any type of asset – bank accounts, life insurances, etc.  It’s a bit easier for family members to track some of these assets (does your mother know that your bank account is in Bank X?), but stocks are really complicated to track, especially for elderly parents, young children, or simply family members who are not financially proficient. 


How big is the problem? 

Quite big. Actually, enormous. (Should I say HUGE?)  Currently, so-called unclaimed assets have reached $100B in the USA alone, with an alarming increase of $5B per year

In the UK, they are £77B.  While there are no global statistics, from these two numbers, we can estimate that we are talking about a trillion-dollar problem – which is growing rapidly every year. 

These are just statistics; how can this affect my family? 

While the statistics look horrible, the personal stories behind them are even worse. Apart from the obvious grief and stress of losing a loved one, being unaware of the person’s assets or not knowing how to identify and locate them often results in long and desperate searches. This has a significant impact on the quality of life of the affected families – apart from the obvious unfairness of the situation. 


So how can I implement financial protection for my stocks and investment portfolio?

The good news is that there is a way to implement financial protection for your stocks and investment portfolio. Even better news is that you can do it easily and cheaply.  The digital inheritance and asset protection services offer easy financial protection for your assets, such as company stocks, RSUs, ETFs, insurance policies, and bank accounts

Digital inheritance services enable people to securely catalog their assets, in a fully encrypted environment with bank-level security, to designate their loved ones as beneficiaries, and to indicate whether the assigned beneficiaries should be notified at the moment of designation or only if something happens to the user. 

The most important part is that the digital inheritance services have a mechanism to detect unforeseen events. Upon detection, your loved ones are notified, both by email, post and phone, to ensure that they are aware of your assets and can identify and locate them. 


Is that all?

No. Digital inheritance services often offer much more support for your loved ones. This includes legal support for your family members to guide and inform them in the process of identifying and locating your assets, legal support to claim ownership of the assets, asset insurance, and various other asset and financial protection capabilities.  

Digital inheritance is an easy and quick way to protect your assets and greatly increase the chance that your family will be able to identify, locate and claim your assets, should anything happen to you. 


Editorial Team
Guardians of your digital footprint, the DGLegacy® editorial team is dedicated to helping you protect your assets and secure your family’s future with expert insights on digital legacy planning and inheritance. Have a story to share? We’d love to hear it! Contact us at editors@dglegacy.com.