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The top 3 steps to protect your assets

November 16, 2021
Steps to protect your assets - DGLegacy

Have you ever wondered how your grandparents and your great-grandparents protected their assets and whether they even needed to? 

If we look back about a hundred years, we find that people back then did not have many assets. Each family owned one house, had one or two bank accounts, probably had a car and maybe even had insurance, but that was about it. Now, if we jump back to today, we see that people have assets all over the world. They might have a house where they live and another one in the Bahamas where they go on vacation. They might also have bank accounts in different countries, if they have moved around a lot, and various assets from the many companies they have worked for. 

You know where all your assets are, but does your family know, is the most important question. 

Many people are aware of the external factors that might endanger their assets, such as lawsuits or bankruptcy, so they do what is necessary to protect their assets from those risks. However, they ignore the most important thing, their family. We work, earn money and save some of it so that one day, if something happens to us, our family will have something to fall back on. They will have some savings to use until they get back on their feet, but how will they reach that money if they do not know where to find it?  

Digital inheritance services, such as DGLegacy, have created a system that allows you to log in all your assets and any essential information that will help your beneficiaries to identify and locate them. The site will notify your beneficiaries should anything happen to you and will help them find and claim the assets. 

By completing the following steps, you will have the assurance and peace of mind that your close ones will not have to struggle financially if something were to happen to you. 

1. Catalog assets

The very first step in protecting your assets is systemizing them. Write down all the assets that you own and some information about them so that your beneficiaries will be aware of them. If you do not trust the site yet and do not feel secure enough to include critical information such as the password, write down only the essential information that your loved ones might need in order to identify the assets and locate them, or give a hint as to where they might be found. 

2. Assign beneficiaries 

The next step after cataloging your assets is to assign beneficiaries. Take a moment to think about which people you want to be contacted about the assets and which assets you want to assign to them. If you have a wife or a husband, you would presumably want them to be informed about all your assets if something happened to you, but you might want your children to know about only some of them, so you can assign them to certain assets but not all. 

3. Set up Heartbeat protocol 

After you have completed the previous steps, you would only need to set up the Heartbeat protocol. The Heartbeat protocol sends you emails containing a confirmation link that you are still alive. You can configure the interval of the emails yourself, and furthermore, every time you log in, the protocol will automatically reset and verify that you are alive, so it will not send you an email at that time. However, if you do not confirm via email and you do not log in for a certain time, you will receive a call from one of the representatives of the company to check whether you are alright. If you then do not answer, your designated beneficiaries will receive an email with all the information that is needed, and the premium members will also receive a call so that the representatives of the company can make sure that they have received the email and it has not gone to spam. The digital inheritance service representatives will also make sure that your loved ones are aware of the situation and how they should proceed. 

The most important thing in the whole wide universe is the people we love and it is essential that we do whatever we can to protect them, even when we are not physically there for them.

The role of services like DGLegacy is to make our lives a little bit less stressful and help us protect our families and friends.

Editorial Team
Guardians of your digital footprint, the DGLegacy® editorial team is dedicated to helping you protect your assets and secure your family’s future with expert insights on digital legacy planning and inheritance. Have a story to share? We’d love to hear it! Contact us at editors@dglegacy.com.